Complete Streets: Good for Business

We are fortunate to live in a community with excellent bicycle and pedestrian access, and I am proud of my work to ensure that future projects maintain the walkability so integral to Highland Park’s character.  Complete streets play an important role in livable communities, where all people – regardless of age, ability or mode of transportation – feel safe and welcome on the roadways.

A new book states what I have long believed: “…it’s pedestrians (and now bicyclists in increasing numbers) that drive sales to street-level businesses, not drivers of cars. There is now an ever-increasing amount of research that demonstrates conclusively that changes to our streets which support bike and pedestrian activity have a profoundly positive impact on street-level businesses.

Coal Tar Sealants Banned in Highland Park

I am pleased to report that the Highland Park City Council has voted to ban the use and sale of Coal Tar Sealants. Coal tar is a known human carcinogen. These sealants do not provide any structural advantage to pavement – they just make it look black. There are alternatives available which are less toxic and similarly priced.

We are lucky to live so close to Lake Michigan. With our proximity to the lake comes a  responsibility to protect it. Lake Michigan is part of the Great Lakes Basin which is the largest freshwater system on earth. The Great Lakes contain 18% of world supply of fresh surface water and 90% of US supply. Our drinking water comes from Lake Michigan. The choices we make do have an impact on the health of our Great Lakes.

Safe Drug Disposal

We have a model drug disposal program in Lake County. If you have old medications that you want to dispose of – prescription or over the counter – bring them to the Highland Park Police Station, and put them into the mailbox in the lobby for safe disposal.

Lake County knew that preventing prescription drugs from getting into a water supply or the wrong hands is important.

A New Campaign Begins

I am thankful for the opportunity to represent you on the Highland Park City Council. This week, I filed my petitions with the City Clerk, making official my decision to run for a second term. I would like to continue working for you to make further progress on our core priorities of fiscal stability, public safety, infrastructure investment, and community vibrancy. In the 3-1/2 years that I have served, I am especially proud to have worked to incorporate environmentally sustainable practices into the City’s operations, saving money in many cases. Please click here for ways you can help support the campaign. I welcome and appreciate any help you can lend. Many thanks, Kim


Be a Voter: Early Voting Starts Monday

Early voting runs from October 24 through November 5. You can vote early in Highland Park at the Police Station, 1677 Old Deerfield Road,  Monday – Friday from 9 am – 5 pm or Saturday from 9 am – 2 pm. If that’s not convenient, Lake County voters can vote at any early voting site in the county. There is a complete list of Lake County early voting sites here. Thank you for voting in this important election!

Curbside Compost Collection

As the leaves have begun to fall, I want to be sure that you know that Highland Park’s curbside compost collection continues through December 15, and begins again in the spring. You can request a third cart from Lakeshore Recycling Systems here. Landscape waste and food scraps can both be put into this cart. This option is available to all Highland Park residents. You can purchase stickers to pay as you go, or subscribe for the season. Details are here. You can learn more about composting by watching this video from SWALCO.

How do I know if there’s lead in my water?

We recently tested the water in public buildings in Highland Park for lead, and are taking steps to remedy areas where contamination was discovered. Here’s a list of certified labs that you can contact if you’d like to test the water in your home for lead. More information on lead and how it gets into drinking water is here. The City of Highland Park regularly tests drinking water, you can find information on the quality of the water here.