Go Green Illinois works to encourage and support the establishment of citizen’s environmental groups in every community in the northern suburbs, to share best practices among the groups and to collaborate on addressing environmental challenges that cross municipal boundaries. The group meets every other month to coordinate and share ideas. Presentation topics have included active transportation, electrical aggregation, natural landscape practices, local politics, recycling, stormwater management, community solar, community engagement and food waste. Please go to the website to learn more about how to get involved, and to sign up for their email newsletter.
Climate Action: Are we at a tipping point?
To those of us in the trenches, it may seem like we are not moving forward (I have been working on climate issues for 29 years!). However, there are some promising signs. In the past 24 hours, three states have said they will work towards the US commitments on climate in the absence of federal involvement. Thank you to California, Washington and New York! Carbon emissions may have peaked (according to preliminary data). Renewable energy prices are dropping rapidly. Historically, social change begins with grassroots action and builds until it reaches a tipping point. So, we must keep up the momentum to reduce carbon emissions, and keep up the pressure on our elected officials. Let’s hope we are on the cusp of a social change regarding action on climate. We do not have another Planet, and the Earth cannot afford to wait.
Climate Action
Climate change is the biggest issue of our time. It is irresponsible to delay or reverse course on actions to reduce carbon emissions into our atmosphere. The United States should be a leader on addressing climate change.
“When you have an established scientific emergent truth, it is true whether or not you believe in it and the sooner you understand that, the faster we can get on with the political conversations about how to solve the problems that face us.” Neil deGrasse Tyson
May 13 Events
SWALCO’s annual rain barrel, compost bin and native plant sale will take place from 9 am – 3 pm at Independence Grove Forest Preserve in Libertyville. Details are here.
Help clean up the Chicago River on Saturday morning between 9 am and 12 pm. In Highland Park, there are 2 clean up sites: 1) the northeast end of the Target parking lot or 2) the Golf Dome off the highway north of Park Avenue. Bring gloves and wear rain boots.
Moraine Township is looking for volunteers in the morning to help plant their garden, and in the afternoon to help sort food at the pantry. Details are here. You can also donate to the food pantry by leaving a bag of shelf stable, unexpired food by your mailbox during Saturday’s Postal Food Drive.
Thank You!
I am truly honored to have the support of Highland Park residents. This campaign was a community effort, and I am grateful to all those who helped in any way — from displaying a yard sign to knocking on doors to voting. The level of engagement in local issues in Highland Park is encouraging, with over 20 people on the ballot in the local elections and robust discussion of many issues.
Over the next four years, I look forward to working with the Mayor and my Council colleagues to advance sustainable policies, make sure we spend our money efficiently and effectively, make our streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists, and further enhance the lives of our residents.
Trash Updates
The compost pick up program begins again this week. You can request a third cart from Lakeshore for no cost for both yard waste and food scraps. This is available to all Highland Park residents regardless of which trash program you have chosen. There are two different options – you can purchase stickers at local hardware and grocery stores and pay as you go, or sign up for a seasonal subscription. Details are here.
Highland Park’s spring trash collection days are scheduled for April 29, May 6, 13 and 20. Electronic waste, yard waste, and over one cubic yard of construction waste will not be picked up. If you have a bulky item under 50 pounds, you can place it next to your trash cart for pick up on your regular trash collection day, rather than waiting for spring clean up. Details are here. You can also put one large, or three small electronics at the curb on your first trash pick up day of the month. Electronic waste, styrofoam, and paired shoes can also be dropped off at the City’s recycling center. 1180 Half Day Road, from 7 am – 1 pm any Tuesday or the first Saturday of the month. Details are here.
Please Vote and Bring a Friend
Turnout in the municipal elections is typically low. Please help change this trend by voting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 4. Polls will be open from 6 am to 7 pm. You can confirm your polling place and registration here. If you previously voted at Northwood Jr. High, your new polling place is the Chinese Christian Union Church, 1506 Half Day Rd. (just west of 41 on the south side of the street.)
There are 22 candidates running for positions at the City, School Districts 112 and 113 and Park District. Many people have been asking how to learn about the candidates. The most comprehensive source of information is the League of Women Voter’s Candidate Guide. Candidates for either Moraine or West Deerfield Township will also be on your ballot along with Trustees for College of Lake County.
Be a Voter
It’s time to vote. Are you an early voter or do you prefer to go on election day? Please look at your calendar now, and mark a time to go vote. Turnout has been very low so far, and I ask for your help to change that. Please encourage others to vote. Bring a friend with you to the polls. Please cut and paste the below voting information into an email or text and send it to your friends, family and colleagues. Thank you!
Early Voting:
Highland Park Police Station, 1677 Old Deerfield Rd.
Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm through April 1
Additional Early Voting options:
You can early vote early at any Lake County early polling location, and some have extended hours. A list of locations and hours is here.
Election Day:
On Tuesday, April 4 polls will be open from 6 am – 7 pm. Click here to confirm your polling place and registration. If you previously voted at Northwood Jr. High, your new polling place is the Chinese Christian Union Church, 1506 Half Day Rd. (just west of 41 on the south side of the street.)
Coal Tar Sealant Ban Introduced – Take Action
There is a hearing Tuesday, March 14 on a bill to ban the use and sale of coal tar sealants in Illinois. Several local municipalities, including Highland Park, have banned these sealants in order to protect our health and environment. You can help support this bill by filing a witness slip as a proponent of the original bill and amendment 1. This will take 3 minutes of your time. Click here to support the bill. If you’d like more information on HB 2958, click here and enter the bill number. Thank you to State Representative Laura Fine for introducing this bill.
Candidate Forum, Voter Guide and Polling Place Changes
Come hear from candidates for City Council, Park District, and both School Boards at the Candidate Forum sponsored by League of Women Voters on March 19 from 1 – 4:30 pm. The event is free and open to the public. You can read about the local candidates in this voter guide. Some polling places in Highland Park have changed. Click here to confirm your voter registration and polling place location.