Go Green Illinois – an Introduction

Go Green Illinois works to encourage and support the establishment of citizen’s environmental groups in every community in the northern suburbs, to share best practices among the groups and to collaborate on addressing environmental challenges that cross municipal boundaries. The group meets every other month to coordinate and share ideas. Presentation topics have included active transportation, electrical aggregation, natural landscape practices, local politics, recycling, stormwater management, community solar, community engagement and food waste. Please go to the website to learn more about how to get involved, and to sign up for their email newsletter.

Climate Action: Are we at a tipping point?

To those of us in the trenches, it may seem like we are not moving forward (I have been working on climate issues for 29 years!). However, there are some promising signs. In the past 24 hours, three states have said they will work towards the US commitments on climate in the absence of federal involvement. Thank you to California, Washington and New York! Carbon emissions may have peaked (according to preliminary data). Renewable energy prices are dropping rapidly.  Historically, social change begins with grassroots action and builds until it reaches a tipping point. So, we must keep up the momentum to reduce carbon emissions, and keep up the pressure on our elected officials. Let’s hope we are on the cusp of a social change regarding action on climate. We do not have another Planet, and the Earth cannot afford to wait.